Friday, January 8, 2010

Beef Hamburger What Is The Difference Between A Beef Patty And An All-beef Hamburger?

What is the difference between a beef patty and an all-beef hamburger? - beef hamburger

When I was in the store, I see two kinds of hamburgers, beef burgers and all beef pasties. What is the difference between these two?


maddawg3... said...

There are different names for different fat content of meat.
"Minced" and "soil" may be the same flesh, but the proportions of fat is different, 80/20-85/15.
It can just as different brands with different names

Nikki P said...

I think it's just marketing.
In my opinion, a beef patty, "said the beef has a form of hamburger. The meat is what everyone is used to the cake or can be used to meatloaf, taco filling, pasta sauce, or any number of To make courts.

Betta Fisher said...

Ground beef patty =

Beef, beef: all solids

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