Sunday, February 21, 2010

Dance Costumes 2010 More Songs For USA Soccer?

More Songs For USA Soccer? - dance costumes 2010

See Back to Games 3 USA The first round was quite touching, only two "songs", the song of the "United States" and ends with applause "U.S.." (Do not tell the song name of a player). All the other teams in the comparison were made songs, songs, dances and costumes. The funny thing is that some of his songs / songs were songs with English words are so changed. open the question of form than it would have some good songs / songs that are learned by the masses for a sample of higher quality, more cohesive in 2010?


Sharp Marble said...

see list of songs Sam's Army

edward e said...

go go the United States is trying to win a game

jyzerfan said...

Our feet are never tired,
Our hearts, we shall see, through,
Objectives, goals, objectives,
For the red, white and blue!

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