Sunday, January 31, 2010

Command Stomach Pains An Alternative Look At 'that Fruit Incident.'?

An alternative look at 'that fruit incident.'? - command stomach pains

God gave Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. They have evrything they need and that God would one rule. Do not eat the fruit of the tree in the garden.
However, a day that God had returned late from work, than to say they would have to make your own meals. Never learned, thought to use the oven or microwave to Eve, it would be the fruit of the tree. It was initially feared, but Satan, the serpent persuaded him friendly and ate the fruit. When he ate, he noticed he was very bitter, but he felt nothing.
If God came home to watch television together, then God is read to them before bedtime.
On the night woke up with Eva unbearable pain in my stomach, had also cut an attack of vomiting. Adam was forced to acknowledge God. God was not happy, I had to get up early the next morning to a conference that could see the success or failure of your career.
She scolded him and reminded him of his command.


Luvfacto... said...

Wisdomteeth: I would not go so far as to label ensures an idiot and a whore. They are therefore free from sin itself? They have never lied or white car when the lights are changing already, or do something that is not said. Yes? Fantastic! I am sure you have, but I would not tell you an idiot or a whore. This is just a story, anyway!
In response to a question, as I look at this alternative, the "fruit of the incident." Brought me laugh.

Donna F is back said...

Entrapment .... as a loving God.

birdsfli... said...

God has given them reason not to participate in the tree of knowledge of good and evil, because if they did, they die, and he has Adam died in 930 years. So Adam did not die on that day (1000) years. BTW your little story does not even line up with Scripture, and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life was in the garden, and grow these 2 trees from the earth. Why does God literally 2 trees, which Adam and Eve could not choose which one part of Genesis 1:29, where the Bible says that every tree good for food, now they say has been that all the trees, but the 2 trees do not grow from the earth, as do all other trees that had to be other than an apple, the serpent and Satan BTW it was not, however, a worker in Adam and was a creature standing, until God has cursed him , Gen. 3: 14, can not the serpent, the devil is not in the arms and legs and put it in the family of reptiles, until God puts a curse on him. True to the snake was tempted by Satan, but the snake was not Satan. And Dor use the serpent beguiled Eve, Cain is obtained, which was not a son of Adam, but a son of the serpent, I challenge anyone to prove to me that Cain was the son of Adam, a Jew In verse 14 the Bible says Enoch, 7 Adam, now researching people here and not only read, Enoch, Adam 7, we will be running the line of the descendants of Adam in Genesis, Chapter 5, the first time, you have to d Abel, Cain, Abel # 1 # 2 Seth is killed, is Enos # 3 # 4 # 5 is Kenan's Mahalalel Jared # 6, # 7 Enoch, now my rival, Cain put as # 1 then you need to Enoch as # 8 instead of # 7, but Cain was a son of the snake, the snake was not Satan, back, or even a reptile, but are one being. Thus, the 2 trees, the tree of knowledge of good and evil and the tree had planned the reproductive life of the 2 laws of God when Eve and Adam's tree of life, then all children born to eternal life to participate, but since yesterday Listerne the snake, then take to the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and I gaved to God, He cursed the first snake. Genesis 3:14, now that the snake is now a family of reptiles, God cursed Eve reproductive organs, ie, when the woman lost consciousness while in reality can concieve now looking at Adam, God, Adam was not cursed, but the curse of God's earth, and God says that today, you go to work and earn their living by the sweat of your brow, God cursed the earth Why did not Adam and Adam Now we need to do all the work, because God of employees.

Pirate AM™ said...

It is true that children are difficult to argue with him, as far as we have explained our reasons for our children, but not reloaded their weapons in their toy boxes. In addition to controlling them like a hawk to ensure their safety. Of course, sometimes disobedient, but not drive them out of our house ...

Stock No matter how you try to sugar, or "faith" God's protection, they are certainly not good education.

Keith R said...

So, what's going on?

Prof Fruitcake said...

It is my experience that you can not reason with a very small child who must learn to let me be respected for their own safety.

Wisdoms® Fortress™ BeSeiged☮ said...

God is completely innocent. The fucking idiot Adam friendly and ambitious cheeky and rebellious as ever, except that they are now trapped between the selective listening as well prepared or sets the will and the doctrine of God, less threatened by the loss of liberty or a fine for the violation of national law by the police or the government. Be made one way or another ...

The world is turning and life goes on ....

oatesmok... said...

Like his simplistic view of many points are lost, but I'll play. [Eve] Oh Daddy My stomach hurts bad! [Jehovah] "Do not listen to your father and I believe he has given to Adam?" [Eva]: "If the snake is also said. "[Jehovah] Why Adam ate from the tree?" [Adam] "Well, the girl that I have! [Jehovah] Oh yes, I must speak to go to the snake, and you should start packing.By like Adam and Eve did not make all of our conversations that obedience means sacrifice for me, has as would.I you and all my people are free, you can also choose to live as an individual, but always according to my orders. [Adam] "Yes, I know the Father." [Jehovah] is that everything you have to say about Adam? [Adam] "I think I can think of nothing else."

ediblehe... said...


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