Monday, January 18, 2010

Wireless Cam How To Use 3 Wireless Mini Video Cam?

How to use 3 Wireless mini video cam? - wireless cam

in working on a project that the use of 2-3 wireless video camera to a mini RC helicopters are connected. There is a transmitter / receiver (which is the difference between them) that can be used to used 3 cameras to interfere with each other control signals to the laptop multi-screen so that if theres a transmitter / receiver which can connect via USB? Is this possible?

1 comment:

Cycling Magician said...

Sounds like a project that is not to be able, without a better knowledge of electronics will be used to do ... A transmitter sends a radio wave, while receiving a receiver. And yes, that could be used if you know how to get in touch and mount correctly.

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