Saturday, January 23, 2010

Lactose Intolerance Diet Diet For Lactose Intolerance?

Diet for Lactose intolerance? - lactose intolerance diet

I bought Slim Fast diet shake drink ready to try because my sister is 30 pounds with the work that they have found and lost, but the stomach (I can not drink it because of lactose intolerance-IN: (if I a diet of soy instead of Protien, the same effect on the stomach have?

No shit, like diets do not work, please.

1 comment:

Diane G said...

I use soy milk instead of cow's milk and my stomach was well tolerated.

I lost 25 pounds, the adoption of a variety of foods, herbs and food were kept. I am never hungry and feel better, have more energy.

Some people are about what to eat on this diet confused. So if you want to try, go to the website below. There is a card with the name "Power Systems", which is very useful. Good luck!

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