Saturday, February 13, 2010

Best Metalcore Distortion Between These Three Guitar Amps?

Between these three guitar amps? - best metalcore distortion

Randall KH15 ...
Randall RX25RM ...
Peavey Envoy 110 ...

it would be best practice by myself in my room and have built a good / decent distortion pedal and then I get a better amp if I

i play rock (heavy) Alternative Rock, Hard Rock, Metal, Nu Metal, Thrash and 80 metalcore

I do not want an amp-modeling effects only in the way


Saul said...

Personally, I'd be with the Peavey.

Due to its solid form, I want more watts. In general, the opposite - Get Loud Pipes happens * very * quickly if a 100W tube head is almost completely useless, because it is too high for almost everything ... therefore, usually not more than 50-60W a tube amplifier. With a solid state because the transistors have a tougher cut of the air, when the chain begins to saturate too quickly "territory" Icky made Sonic - For me, this seems to around 7 in the Volume and Gain happen. Thus, more watts means more space and height = sounds more before reaching the "ick factor".

If the speakers are working properly (and critics seem not to think that they are not), would be ideal for recording. \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ U0026lt;br>
The best symbol of power means that it works well with pedals, and would, because there is greater clarity at higher volumes.

I prefer 12 "speakers in general, but be open to try to play at home for Peavey and registration.

Although I love the brand Randall, I do not think like the amplifier in the general practice trainee or more on a greater power and speakers, if possible.

You can check Kustom, including amplifiers have a small stone "good" sound, it seemed like Marshall sound, but a little darker, so it makes no sense. If you can not find it, try it!


Vaggelis said...

Randall KH15 is an affordable amp for your needs. It has a clean, medium distortion, and it is good practice in your room.
Randall Rx25RM is not something that you love ... I like the sound it makes when it is in the distortion (also a distortion pedal).
Peavey Envoy 110 is powerful and has many nice features and a deep ... I think because I checked. I think it is the best choice of 3 ... But if you want to save money for the future, a 100W amplifier stack, or at least I would rather prefer to get KH15 .... RX25RM will disappoint, but ... I think.

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