Thursday, February 18, 2010

Best Scanners For Artists CG Artists: Hand Drawn Then Scan Or Tablet Better?

CG Artists: Hand drawn then scan or tablet better? - best scanners for artists

I am a CG artist, who, it is important to me, clear lines and details in design and color, is also very important.

From their experience and their experience, would you recommend buying a graphics tablet or traditional photography and exploration in the computer?

If you answered "compressed", not the brand you recommend and why? While the budget is a factor, I'll pull the best prospects on the shelf as opposed to "the pill, because it is cheap."

If you "scanner", once said, what brand do you recommend and why? Same as before have agreement on the budget. "I guess I do not care if the speed is incredible that the outcome remains in the details.

Thank you guys.


Chris M said...

Scanner regardless of the time they get a decent resolution of 300 or more is sufficient.

I use a Wacom tablet, but cheap. I'm not an artist full time.

I also freehand.

I usually use a combination of these instruments.

As a rule, draw or find pictures, hands free with a light box, and then on the computer after cleaning.

I have friends who draw the pen, then you scan, edit, print, and pulls back in ink with brushes. You get the best of both worlds in this way.

The best thing to do, you will find a combination of techniques that work for you. You can get a decent tablet for about $ 100.00, Wacom. There are also more expensive, they are very nice.

Good luck.

Gems =] said...

I'm going to take a pill that failure to resolve more easily on a computer than on paper, so they have the time for cleaning and structural lines, save the scan is desired, any effect that ramps can be easily done, and if you do not with the error again reasult satisfied are easy to fix.

A Wacom would be good to go. I think the Wacom Bamboo pen tablet would be a good idea. They are about 50 pounds and a good value for money.

Trivial, they require less space than a scanner, scanner, or at least I have had in the past = P

jplatt39 said...

I'm not a CG artist, but I asked for help when the project requires.

I recommend, and several CG artists I do not know, even though we are all middle-aged, rough ideas with a pencil or ink on paper. Computer Art Much Is intellectual and helps you work without worrying about technology. Scanned art being treated is treated as a rule, in my experience, take the loss of information as a prevention. Thus, a Wacom tablet - everyone can afford - is a great idea.

Keep a scanner at low prices, because you only need to put something on a computer - by reference or otherwise. But if you work mainly in computers, the use of pills, and more accessible and better in this climate, Wacom.

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