Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bowflex Body I Am Looking For Good Upper Body Exercises On The Bowflex.?

I am looking for good upper body exercises on the bowflex.? - bowflex body

I just want to tone, not to gain muscle mass.

1 comment:

Thorb said...

used in the passion of your muscle mass gains in the form of slow-twitch muscles (in the exercises of the High Representative of underweight) took a moment to make a difference compared to see more strength training with weights and lower repetitions.

I am not very familiar with using the Bowflex (again), but essentially pushing the standard movements, pushing the chest forward works the chest, slightly bent forward, the disadvantages of working on supporting breast breast. Push the shoulders of the works the shoulders.
Pull the top of the head works the lats (back again) (prefer you as a number) works in the upper back. then you can make movements of flies at different angles to target the shoulders to the outside / inside of the chest / / upin the back.

Edit: what you do, is the series 4-5 respectively to 15-20 repetitions. Make sure the weight, what works for you at this level is not set. If you can not complete the first two rounds, to reduce weight.

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